Monday, 19 August 2013

Guard Chasseurs à Cheval

These are AB figures and generally were easy to paint. I must confess that I didn't do as much detail as I would have liked, the hussar braid was covered by the blanket roll and what there was difficult to see. So I didn't bother. The orange Aurora colour goes well with the green of the saddlecloths.  Incidently, the flag is a part of the Eagle bearer figure, I was tempted to cut it off and use a GMB or Maverick one but it hasn't turned out too bad. Similar to the lancers this is a large regiment of 1,200 chasseurs and I've made it an 18 man unit to account for this.

Next will be the command base for Desnouttees...


  1. Lovely stuff there Ken.

    John B

  2. Beautiful stuff mate. Keep it up!

  3. Very nice Ken, very nice...

  4. I particularly like the 'animated' bags on the colpacks, Beautifully painted Ken.

  5. Ken, these are outstanding - brilliant!

  6. Lovely Ken, you have done a fine job, look forward to the command!

  7. Thank you gentlemen! I will try to do a decent job on the command base!

