Friday, 6 June 2014

Russian Tchougouiev Uhlans

Another poor unit that's been sitting on my desk gathering dust for over three months! These are AB figures and are the first 15/18mm I've painted in a while. They were primed well before the Ayton game and the tons of painting I did for that!! This unit was at the battle of Brienne and is one of the last ones to be completed for a brigade unit based game. I've ordered a couple of 2 x 6 ft trestle tables, there is just enough room for them to be setup at the back of the lounge. The kitchen is just too cramped and besides we need time to setup and play - so these tables can be left out for a while.  The next unit are the Russian Irkutsk Hussars....but I dont think they'll be needed for Brienne.


  1. Looking good! Come on Ken, 2014 is marching on and 1814 won't wait to be re-fought. Trestle tables atten-shun! Dave :)

  2. Beautiful unit - they look like Polish Lancers to my untrained eyes.

  3. Well done Ken with these beautiful Uhlans!

  4. Thanks chaps - Dave I had planned to fight the battles 200 years to the day they were actually fought but the events of 1814 are already played out, the Emperor lost and is now in exile!

    Dean - I was thinking that myself, they do look a lot like the guard polish lancers!

    Thanks Paul and Phil!

