OG 15mm again, in fact the bulk of my infantry are nearly all OG! As you can see these are wearing the belgic shako. The flags are by GMB, stuck with white PVA glue and as usual I added a few folds shortly after gluing to the flag pole. I have another two of these to paint up along with a unit of OG highlanders(the 79th), all three units are primed and waiting on the lollipop sticks.
I'm also thinking of doing some conversions for a couple OG Hanoverian militia battalions. This bag is essentially a mix of belgic and stovepipe shakos in the advancing pose. I was thinking of doing some head swaps with some Landwehr/reserve infantry to have some caps to liven up the unit. I've seen a whole unit of 28mm perry plastics done that way, red caps with a yellow band. However, asking around TMP I think only the officers and not the men had caps - but since when did that ever stop me!?!
Very nice Ken, great looking unit!