Sunday, 18 January 2015

Bluemoon Austrian Grenadiers

Hungarian grenadiers to be precise. Again, the original flagpoles were removed and a new 28mm spear added. I couldn't tell from the web what the drum colour ought to be so I gave it the same colour as their facings. Now it appears that grenadiers battalions were formed by taking the grenadiers from three line infantry regiments so they could have up to three different facing colours! I gave these Hungarians a orangy/yellow colour so that makes them the Hann battalion. I didnt bother painting the two other facings which would be red and blue. The flag is by Maverick models and to make the grenadiers more distinctive I gave it the white (liebfanne) flag. This has the Austrian eagle on one side and the virgin Mary on the other. I also painted the back of the bearskin in the facing colour, I understand that this was changed to yellow for all units.


  1. Look good. I've gotta do some more Austrians one day.

  2. Cheers Sun of York! Get painting!

  3. You've re-discovered your mojo haven't you? Good to see!

  4. Cheers Dave, yes I think have. Rather than paint 3-4 units at a time I'm painting unit at a time. Makes it easy and you get lots of small results. I get a great deal of satisfaction when a unit is painted, based and up on the blog.

  5. Very nice! Grenadiers are also on my to do list...

  6. Thanks Chasseur, no Austrian army would be complete without them.

  7. Sorry I missed these Ken, fine grenadiers!

  8. No problem Paul! I've been on a roll.

